Why Are Women Satisfied With Less?

I remember it like it was yesterday. “It” happens to be a conversation with a girlfriend who at that time, was expressing frustration regarding the state of her career.  She desired career mobility, yet she seemed to be “stuck” in her role. I recall the pain in her words as she articulated how a male…

A Black Woman’s Worth At Work In 2019

The numbers don’t lie check the scoreboard.” ~ Jay Z As I write this article, I can honestly say that not much has changed since I published my first “A Black Woman’s Worth At Work” article in 2017. Women still need flexible work arrangements; they still need access to hot jobs, adequate resources and allies…

How Women Can Master The Invisible Rules At Work

In my role as Chief PowHer Officer and Founder of Confident Career Woman, I’m not only intrigued by the challenges women face professionally that hinder their success, I’m on an intentional mission to aid them in overcoming those challenges. It’s no secret women are efficient in their work; that they meet deadlines, exceed performance expectations…

My Best Career Advice For 2019

I’ve had a busy week coaching clients. What seems to be a common thread is there’s a disconnect between how they are showing up at work and how they’d like to show up in the workplace. I’m willing to go out on a limb and say there’s actually a disconnect in terms of how they need to…